A Vintage 4th of July Mantel

I love creating seasonal mantels! You might remember my Boho Valentine's Day Mantel or last year's from St. Patrick's Day. Changing your mantel decor doesn't have to be expensive! Here are some quick tips for finding seasonal decor for your mantels:


1. Shop Your House!

For this mantel, I used law school books and vintage legal books I already had. I also used a plant & some greenery I already had as well as picture frames I use regularly. I also already had the blanket and candlesticks. Think through everyday decor that you might be able to rearrange! 


2. Shop Thrift Stores & Garage Sales!

Secondhand shops like Goodwill or other local thrift shops are FULL of fun finds. I snagged the little Liberty Bell at Goodwill a few years back and I just picked up two vintage gold frames at a garage sale this weekend for $.25 a piece! You can see I printed a free sketch of the Declaration of Independence signing, popped it into one of the gold frames, and added it into the mix!


 3. Peruse the Seasonal Clearance.

 I am always preaching this one! No matter the time of year, I am trolling the seasonal clearance everywhere, keeping an eye out for items that I can either use next year for the holiday or that I can use sometime throughout the year. This clearance Target dollar spot Christmas banner was a bargain at 90% off a cost me a whopping $.30. Here it is, making a debut as a perfect option for a vintage-inspired 4th of July banner. I added these Darice felt sticker stars and it was perfect! 

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One of my other patriotic projects this year, utilized a clearance basket and was transformed into a flag! Stash items that you know you'll be able to use throughout the year to save BIG!

4. Utilize Free Printables or Create Your Own with Canva.

Printables can be a great way to change out your decor! Lots of my favorite bloggers are also graphic designers and give away great holiday freebies or sell low cost downloadable options in their online shops! You can find lots of options with a quick Pinterest or Google search. Sometimes, I have an idea of my own and I turn to Canva! It's a free design tool online where you can create your own designs! I used to create the "Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness wording" as well as the Quill Pen & Ink Print.


To learn how I made the focal point of this year's mantel, check out my step-by-step tutorial on making your own Vintage Poster Frame.

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